Haxball Stadium Editor
General info
source code for
HaxPuck (created by AtnNn) was available on github.
Haxball Stadium File (.hbs) wiki is available
(2020-04-17) v2.10 by Falafel
- Added an alert when user tries to load too big map (max width/height is 65535). Stadium will be displayed
in a limited way (8000x8000)
(2020-04-16) v2.09 by Falafel
- Changed "Tools" tab, it should be more clear and intuitive now
- Changed displaying of transparent joints
- Added "Upload .hbs file" button, which lets you upload the map fom your computer
(2020-04-15) v2.08 by Falafel
(2020-04-14) v2.07 by Falafel
- Joints are now editable (via "Properties" tab, just like segments or discs)
- Colors of joints are now correctly displayed
(2020-04-10) v2.06 by Falafel
- Added "Copy All" button beacuse of error, when user tries to manually copy the text
- Fixed bug that appear when deleting a disc. From now on joints are deleted when one of his discs is
- Fixed bug when "strength" value of joint has incorrect value (it becomes "rigid" now)
(2020-01-04) v2.05 by Falafel
- Fixed bug with loading stadium when joints have null length value
(2019-12-31) v2.04 by Falafel
- Changed positions of "Save" and "Cancel changes" buttons, as it was in old haxpuck
- Discs can have "transparent" color property now
(2019-12-28) v2.03 by Falafel
- Added zoom buttons at bottom toolbox (x0.5, x1, x2, x3)
(2019-12-28) v2.02 by Falafel
(2019-12-26) v2.01 by Falafel
(2019-12-23) v2.00 by Falafel
- Added missing properties (kickOffReset, cameraWidth, cameraHeight, bias)
- Added possibility to create traits: [Properties] > [New trait]
- Creating and deleting SpawnPoints with x and y properties: [Tools]
- Creating joints in [Tools] with length, color and strength properties (available only if 2 discs are
- Added "Download .hbs file" button at the bottom of [Text Mode]
- Graphical visualization of bias (works properly only for straight segments)
(2019-08-06) v1.14 by GLH (Grandes Liga Haxball)
- [Kick Recoil] was added in [Properties]> [Player Physics].
- Gravity has been added in Properties> Player Physics.
- Gravity has been added in Properties> Ball Physics.
- Added icon in [Tools]> [Automatic Mirror].
- Added icon in [Tools]> [Preview].
- [Text Mode]> [Clear] has been changed to [Clear All].
- An alert window was added when you clicked [Text Mode]> [Clear All].
- The icon has been changed in [Top QuickTool]> [Bug Report / Contact].
- The icon has been changed in [Bottom QuickTool]> [Undo] and [Redo].
- Icon changed in [Text mode].
- [Help] has been updated.
- Some translations have been improved.
- Added properties included in Haxball HTML5 update